
Media in NYC Running Operation “Catch a Jew without a Mask”

Religious persecution out of the closet in NYC

Impress your friends and look like a Psychic!

Remember when the Left used to lecture us about racism and bigotry because they were so much more “moral” and “tolerant” than we were?

That was the big red flag that they were about to become more bigoted and intolerant than ever.

Recognize this and you can appear to be the next Kreskin!
This pattern has never seemed to fail in recent years. Wanna know what the Left is up to? Watch what they accuse their opponents of next.

Media in NYC Running Operation “Catch a Jew without a Mask”

Share on FacebookTweet WhatsappThere are hundreds of areas in the United States that have seen outbreaks of the coronavirus. This deadly virus has killed hundreds of thousands in the United States. The haters realize that this is a sterling chance to take advantage of the situation in order to promo…



photo credit: reutC Uncle Shmaryah via photopin (license)

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