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False Accusers in the Mueller Investigation are Jussie Smollett Times a Thousand

We have seen an epidemic of false accusations lately and they all have something in common: They are being made by Leftists.

If convicted, Jussie Smollett could face 10 years in prison for falsely accusing white people and Trump supporters of the ugly attack he staged on himself. The Left-wing media has done everything it collectively could to avoid naming the actual wronged parties in this case. They want to continue to be the final arbiters of who wins the perpetual victim derby.

If “Russian Collusion” is a crime, there is convincing evidence that Hillary Clinton is guilty of it.  If no one is convicted for that crime in the more than two-year investigation of President Donald Trump, shouldn’t the high-level figures in the FBI and the Justice Department face more than ten years?

There is also strong evidence that there were numerous hoaxes of which the investigators themselves are guilty: the Steele dossier was used to obtain a phony FISA warrant; Stories were planted in the media for the purpose of creating a need to investigate the phony Steele dossier which was used to obtain the phony FISA warrant;  Hillary Clinton was deliberately given a pass on a long list of felonies to manipulate the 2016 election; Donald Trump was framed and defamed for those crimes and more. It sounds like “The House that Jack Built” but really, it’s the house that Obama built.

Unelected appointees of the country’s most powerful agencies put their “insurance policy” into action to unseat and destroy a duly-elected President and cover up their crimes and their own derrières.

What they feared would happen if they were unsuccessful is exactly what is happening. Their crimes were to be hidden by the head criminal, Hillary Clinton but now those crimes are being exposed.

Given the magnitude of the damage that was done to the Presidency and to our country, shouldn’t these false accusers have to face prosecution for abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and a lot more?

There will be a terrible stain on our country if these false accusers escape prosecution for their crimes. It would also do greater damage to the well-deserved loss of faith in our institutions, about which Democrats have disingenuously claimed to be so concerned.


photo credit: vpickering Roger Stone plea hearing via photopin (license)

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