
Shelby County woman who passed away 6 months ago gets letter saying she is COVID-19 positive

Have you noticed how deeply invested Democrats and only Democrats are in tthe ubiquitous Covid-19 narrative? No matter how non-lethal and non-threatening it has proven to be, Democrats insist on stirring corona-hysteria and shutting down anyone who dares to say it’s just not that bad.

Now, the Emperor Fauci says it might be time for federal mask wearing.  Fauci, who was caught telling the truth when he said early on that wearing masks in public were not necessary and their only real value was to make people feel as if they were doing something. I know it’s a cheeky question but did anyone elect him to anything?

The same people who remain desperate to get rid of Donald Trump who actually was duly-elected, treat Fauci as if he’s the President and maybe also King–so long as he touts their company line.

I will concede one thing: The death rate is much higher than even they report because for seven months, they’ve been scaring people to death.

Shelby County woman who passed away 6 months ago gets letter saying she is COVID-19 positive

She died in February but the test supposedly took place in June.



photo credit: Tim Dennell Joker mask – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Sheffield, UK via photopin (license)

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