
Other Voices: Weld County’s wake-up call for the rest of the state

It's not as though this is happening only in Colorado. The exact same strategy is being used in almost every state, where big city socialists/communists first take over the seat of government and high population areas and use that to bully and intimidate hard-working rural dwellers of their state.

Why? Because those farmers, ranchers, oil-field workers and truckers are much too independent and self-sufficient for their liking. It's not enough for them to destroy America's formerly great cities and make urban dwellers more dependent on the government than ever. They must have more and plebes to boss around.

Do they care that they're killing the golden goose? No, their aim is to own the goose. In order to do that, they have to cook yours.

Other Voices: Weld County’s wake-up call for the rest of the state

They say a sure sign of a marriage in deep trouble is when one spouse hasn’t a clue there are any problems in the first place. Until it all boils over, of course. That’s kind of how it is for the r…


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