Lawless Lawmaker, Gavin Newsom just released 8000 more convicted felons……..
Lawless Lawmaker, Gavin Newsom just released 8000 more convicted felons…..
……into California and therefore, to anywhere and everywhere around the country.
Sadly we can predict that a new wave of riots, looting, destruction and pillaging is just around the corner. Look for the media to once again find new cases, true or not, to inflame their newest army to bully and intimidate law-abiding citizens all over the country.
Sadly, like pushing a button, it'll begin again. Virus. Riot. Virus. Riot. Repeat.
Think it's coincidental that among the many "benefits" to the Left to demand that law-abiding citizens do something so foolish and completely useless as wearing masks everywhere they go? It protects and enables people like this.