Spouting Off

Spouting Off, #150 11.13.2020 Guest: Andrew Pollack

Dominion, Hammer (and sickle?) Scorecard and much more.  With dizzying breaking news and even more media propaganda, it’s time to take a break and get off the media roller coaster for a while.  This will all play out as it is going to and we’ll need energy and strength to ascertain the truth.

Karen marvels about the great good and the great evil of which humans are capable.  (See: To Everything There is a Season)

Then, Karen welcomes Andrew Pollack, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center

Pollack spent his career as a small businessman in scrap metal and real estate, but after his daughter Meadow was murdered in the Parkland school shooting he dedicated his life to finding answers and preventing future tragedies. Contrary to the national media narrative, Pollack learned that gun control laws had nothing to do with why that mass shooting happened. It was, rather, systemic failures in public institutions caused by misguided liberal policies. “The people who blame the gun before they learn the facts,” Pollack says, “are a big part of what people call the ‘root cause’ of mass shootings and violent crime. At the Crime Prevention Research Center, I will focus on finding and disseminating the facts. On saving lives, not on partisan talking points.”


photo credit: Gafoto Cherub via photopin (license)

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