Kataline hosts Alan Nathan Show

The Alan Nathan Show (3/18/24 Hour 1)
Guest: Comedian Mark Klein

It’s hard to find much to laugh about these days and yet, laughter is often the best therapy there is. What keeps us laughing and why are humans the only creatures on earth that laugh and seek to make others laugh?
Haitian national, Cory Alvarez, has been charged with raping a disabled 15-year-old girl at a Massachusetts hotel that has been housing migrants under the Biden administration’s CHNV program. What do these policies say about the level of hate and hostility they clearly have for innocent, law-abiding citizens?
Instead of calling for ousting Hamas, Chuck Schumer who happens to be Jewish, is calling for the ousting of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu because he wants to oust Hamas. Is it 1984 or is it 2024?
The Alan Nathan Show (3/18/24 Hour 2)
Guests: Tim Head, Michael Letts, Dr. Asaf Romirowsky, Drew Allen
The Alan Nathan Show (3/19/24 Hour 1)
Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) already announced he wouldn’t be running for another term. Recently, he announced that he was leaving in 10 days! Why? Can we ever afford not to question the motives of any politician these days? //Just as some feared, the Supreme Court declined to stop the government from colluding with internet social media players to censor Americans. Will this be the end of Free Speech as we know it? //Pastors took money from the Government to push Covid Shots. Why did our government want to push these shots into the arms of citizens so badly and how will Pastors explain taking a bribe for them to do it? //A Florida bill that would allow chaplains in public schools is on its way to Gov. Ron DeSantis. You should be able to hear the Leftist meltdown already.
Guests: Charles Bonniwell, Fmr State Senator, Ted Harvey, Larry Ward
The Alan Nathan Show (3/19/24 Hour 2)
Stephen E. Broden, Rev. James Harden, Selwyn Duke, Chris Burgard