BlogSpouting Off
Special MAYDAY! Edition of Spouting Off, May 1, 12-2pm MT (show #110)
MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Colorado and the whole country are in trouble!
Citizens have realized that the punishment that Governors and bureaucrats claim is “for our own good” is killing people, killing the economy, killing the food chain, and killing our Liberty.
They’ve had enough and they plan to open for business, open for life and open for Liberty!
This special 2-hour MAYDAY Edition of Spouting Off will feature LIVE coverage of the MAYDAY Rally at the Capitol in Denver, Colorado.
Call-in line: 888-627-6008 * Listen only: 701-719-4207 (US/CANADA)
Featured guests include owners of businesses who are open now, organizers of the rally, on-site reporting and calls from participants.
- Mayor Martin “Modey” Hicks of Grants, New Mexico
- Owner of Castlegate Knife and Tool, Sedalia, CO
- Owner of Butter My Biscuit, Kersey, CO
- Owner of Pizza Republica, Greenwood Village & Downtown Denver, CO
- Steven Grant, Pastor of Destiny Christian Center, Greeley, CO
- Jan Cook, Roving Reporter and Co-Founder of Colorado Freedom Force
- Andrew Roise, Reopen Colorado
- Randy Corporon, Attorney, Host of “Wake Up! with Randy Corporon” & incoming National Committeeman, Colorado GOP
- Kim Monson, Host of The Kim Monson Show
- Chuck and/or Julie, Journalists, Commentators and Hosts of The Chuck and Julie Show
photo credit: Brian Auer Liberty Close-Up via photopin(license)