By any other name, it’s a Vax Passport
Oregon First State to Require Vaccination Proof for Maskless Entry Into Businesses, Workplaces, and Churches

So this happened:
Oregon First State to Require Vaccination Proof for Maskless Entry Into Businesses, Workplaces, and Churches
Yet, there are still naive, gullible physicians who think it’s not at all morally reprehensible to make money from providing a techie bracelet to better enable tyrannical states like Oregon, California, New York, Colorado etc., to monitor & discriminate against those who insist on making personal & individual decisions about their own health.
These smart but dumb doctors rationalize and justify their betrayal by conveniently assuming that this is the same world we were living in twenty, or maybe even ten years ago.
Yes, there really are such people who claim to be oh, so fair-minded and rational. So were Jewish collaborators.
Those who are unable to recognize the early stages of tyranny will be forced to recognize tyranny eventually. By then, it’ll be too late.
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is requiring that people in workplaces, businesses, and religious sites show proof of …