Radio & Op-eds

‘Rescuing you from the threat we just manufactured’

FDA graphic by Michael J. Ermarth, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The radical Left which now controls the Democrat party employs the same tactics but they are also branching out.

Hardly an isolated case, here is the latest example of a phony problem they created for the purpose of getting the political upper hand and controlling the narrative:

House Dems move to protect contraception from Supreme Court

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said now that the “radical, Republican-stacked Supreme Court” overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, GOP lawmakers want to do more than ban abortion.

“These extremists are working to take away the rights of women, to take away our right to decide when to have children, to take away our right to control our own lives and our own bodies. And we will not let this happen,” she said.

“Protect contraception?”  Do we really need to deny that conservatives want to outlaw contraception?  In fact, it makes sense that most conservatives would encourage contraception so that abortion isn’t used as a form of birth control. They just don’t want to be forced to pay for it.

But the hubris of Leftists also includes the proclamation that whatever they like is a constitutional right and must therefore, be subsidized by the government. Translation: The taxpayer pays and they’re the middleman.

The old tactic of “Never let a crisis go to waste” has morphed into, “Keep creating crises, real or imagined so we can amass the power required to use force rather than persuade you to do what we say.”   -and never forget that we get to do that because of our greater compassion for the people we seek to enslave.”

New tactic, but the same old tyranny.

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