
Ohio Democrat State Rep Endorses Trump For Reelection | The Daily Wire

The Party Doth Protest Too Much

We've seen again and again how black conservatives are among the greatest threats to the Left & the Democrat Party. We rarely go the next step however, and ask what that actually means.

Ohio Democrat State Rep Endorses Trump for Re-election.

Could it be that Democrat leaders have a vested interest in keeping the narrative going that America is a systemically racist country and therefore, blacks. Is that incontrovertible proof that those same Democrats and strategist don't want black people to be successful or self-sufficient?

That's a tough pill for any person of good will to swallow. We don't want to believe that any of our fellow citizens could have such a vested interest in the misery and failure of anyone, let alone the very black community they claim to champion.

As if that weren't enough, tthe same people relentlessly lecture the rest of us about fairness, decency, civility and of course, racism.

Methinks the Party doth protest too much.

Ohio Democrat State Rep Endorses Trump For Reelection | The Daily Wire

On Tuesday, a female Democratic Ohio state representative endorsed President Trump for reelection. Bernadine Kennedy Kent, representing the 25th District


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