
BRAVO to Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeak Calvary Chapel

Pastor turns his church into a strip club

Now we’ve seen everything. Pastors stripping  in church?  You bet!

Bravo to Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Ventura County, CA and Pastor Rob McCoy!

Some of us thought the ability to laugh at ourselves, and stand up with courage in the name of Liberty was dead. Nope!

You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate his words. If you are, that’s okay too. Our brilliant Constitution stands for religious pluralism and religious freedom. So do we.

After his wonderful dance, is an even more wonderful sermon.

Pastor McCoy:  “Mankind seeks to enslave others and destroy what’s been created in the image of God.”

May this video go radically viral to inspire a nation to rise up and restore our country and save the western world (really, the world) for Liberty.  Amen.


photo credit: screenpunk striptease via photopin (license)

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