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An enlightening FB exchange with Columbia U. Social Work Alums

Karen Kataline
I am a Columbia School of Social Work Grad. If you dare to hear a different point of view than you’re used to, I hope you’ll tune in Saturday, October 14, from 5-8pm MT when I’ll have the pleasure of filling in for Jimmy Sengenberger. We’ll have a detailed discussion of my theory of “LDC (Liberal Domination of the Culture) and how it figures into the most controversial issues local and national. I’m also excited to have as my guest: Internationally known scientist and speaker Dr. Martina Cartwright. PLUS, it wouldn’t be the talk radio we love without your calls! I hope you’ll join me!

David Klein
As a social worker and CUSSW grad, I can’t help but feel patronized by your use of the words “If you dare,” as if your fellow social workers might be so close-minded so as to need to be dared to hear the opinion of someone who identifies as “conservative.” Try not to be offensive next time. Thank you.
Not to mention that because of the bully pulpit and social media, many of us are certainly hearing opinions differing from our own.

Karen Kataline
Wow, you’re ALREADY offended! See what I mean? I am truly a minority as a CUSSW grad. I have not been treated particularly well by those claiming to be more “tolerant” and “compassionate” than everyone else. You are welcome to be as offended as you like. The constitution doesn’t guarantee your right not to be. Be well.

David Klein
I found the language patronizing, as opposed to outright offensive. I took the time to reply because I thought I would be helpful to how you advertise.

David Klein
While I’m at it, I also don’t understand why I did not get any other response from Ms Kataline. If you go to her show page Spouting Off, she is advocating for us (or maybe just for her) to exercise our rights to speak. So I am exercising my right to ask not to be patronized and pre-judged by a supposed colleague and fellow alum, but it’s not okay? Apologize. Some people, really. 🏽‍♂

Mk Reilly Yeah DavidKlein,
I was not that interested. Possibly due to your point.

Tiffany W-g
Both of you shouldn’t bother engaging. If you look her up you will see what she’s all about (trolling, racism, etc. under the guise of free speech). How she got a degree in a profession aimed at righting social injustice, but doesn’t believe in white privilege… well, that’s on Columbia.

Karen Kataline
Glad to know that CUSSW requires students to have only one point of view. Social justice also involves freedom. Your intolerance is stunning. It is not racist to believe that all people deserve liberty and self-determination. I put this post here to illustrate the incredible narrow-mindedness of liberals who think they’re so tolerant. They’re not.

Karen Kataline
David Klein A perfect example of twisted values. Just because I no longer wanted to engage in responding to such ad hominem attacks, this somehow infringes on your rights? I urge you study up on the Constitution before throwing around what you think your rights are. It’s clear that the compassion CUSSW was supposed to teach did not include people with political viewpoints different from your own.

David Klein
It doesn’t infringe on my rights. You’re being outwardly hostile from the jump. Please don’t be a part of a group if this is how you want to respect the members of the group.

Karen Kataline
YOU are the one who began the hostility. Re-read the comments. Pure projection, my dear. Already, I am being asked to leave. Do you have any idea how unacceptable it is to be hostile to someone who dares to be a conservative among NYC Liberals and social workers at that? Would you treat anyone else this way? I’m asking you politely to look at your own behavior. THAT is why I began at the outset with “If you dare….”

David Klein
I know. And I found that patronizing. Oh well.

Karen Kataline
I wasn’t angling for a political discussion on this forum but maybe we should start over. I also hoped not to get the blowback I got but really, is that what you were upset about or was it just that someone announced themselves as a political minority? I thought Social Workers were champions of minorities! 🙂

David Klein
I am absolutely a champion of minorities. I found the “if you dare” to be patronizing. We are a part of a community, and a select one at that, which I believes means that everyone of this group is nothing but respectful of each other. So, IMHO, you can introduce yourself and your idea without any commentary on how tolerant you believe your audience to be. That is all I really want to say on the matter.   I did give your podcast a listen, btw.

Karen Kataline
Thank you. Many more to come.

David Klein
Oh. Hard pass.✋🏼

Susan Kornbread
Refreshing to hear your thoughts, Karen!

Karen Kataline
Thanks Susan. I try to be considerate to callers. I do get passionate sometimes. I also have an internet radio show called “Spouting Off” which you can find on Tuesdays at 4PM Eastern Time:

Susan Kornbread
Thanks for your courage. I’m a grad of CUSSW.

Karen Kataline
Great to meet you. Remember when we were taught “self-determination” of the client? Like so many things…especially Social Work, it has been co-opted.

Ethan Haymovitz
If my spidey sense works correctly, this seems to be just another person trying to use social media to get famous for being just that – offensive – because that is just how you get famous on social media – by being obnoxious and getting under people’s skin. Its really quite easy to do. See: Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, eherm, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, TRUMP….etc. I mean, if you wanted to say something important, why not just say it…rather than suggest we will get offended by something you will say someday?

Karen Kataline
No leftwing bias there! Of course, all conservatives who disagree with you on the issues are offensive and obnoxious! Shouldn’t we just shut them up altogether rather than “tolerating” that they may actually disagree with our liberal religion? Ever do any self-reflection much?

David Klein
If a “left winger” addressed us this way, and blatantly insulted us in their introduction, saying that we are a close-minded cohort, I’m sure I would have had the exact same response.

Because, Karen, you are in a group of people who all attended the same social work school as you. We are, whether we like it or not, professional colleagues and at one time were students together. Consider us political opposites, but inextricably linked at the same time. To me, and I hope to everyone else reading this regardless of viewpoint, that means we do our best to treat eachother with respect, FROM THE BEGINNING. What Columbia taught me was that I can have an experience, such as feeling patronized, and in an effective dialogue the person who has done the harm can step back and reflect on their action. You did not do that. And as you can see, we aren’t even able to debate your points.

I respectfully ask that the group’s moderator speak to you about your CONDUCT, not about your CONTENT. However, judging from the way you have responded to your responders, who have taken the time out of their lives to dignify someone who has already presumed intolerance of their audience, I imagine even that may fall on deaf ears.

Goodbye Karen and be well. I know I said I was done commenting before. Now I am officially done:)

Karen Kataline
What a snowflake you are. I’ll bet you don’t get this bent out of shape about truly horrifying matters. So, “If you dare” is really that “offensive?” Seriously? I think you ought to look at the hostility and vitriol that has been thrown my way simply because I am not afraid to state that I’m not the obligatory liberal and happen to be a social worker. This faux outrage at my “conduct” is a cheap tactic to cover what you’re really outraged about. That is, that a CUSSW grad could be a conservative. I welcome any and all moderators to read these exchanges carefully and see who has been intolerant of whom.

Karen Kataline
PS: I have retained the exchange in a screen shot so I can show others how disingenuous, unjust and intolerant the sanctimonious left are as personified by CUSSW grads here. You are professionally offended, snarky and ready to stereotype and label anyone who DARES not to apologize for a different point of view. Thank you for your assistance.

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