
Expert Is a Four-letter Word – AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

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Two great guests today on Spouting off at 12 PM MT, (2 PM ET)

A friendly debate with Kerry Lutz, who thinks Biden (perish the thought!) will be the next POTUS. I say not so fast. And, Marilyn Singleton, MD, JD who wrote a great opinion piece about COVID “experts” getting it wrong and adopting a “do what we say” attitude anyway.

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Expert Is a Four-letter Word – AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

By Marilyn M. Singleton MD, JD The Earth is flat and the sun revolves around the Earth. Settled science. Liberal icon Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes legitimized the science of eugenics when he ruled that the interest of “public welfare” outweighed the interest of individuals in thei…


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