If hindsight is 20/20, why do we so rarely look back?

Hardly a complete list:
- “If you don’t wear a mask, you’ll kill grandma. (They killed thousands of grandmas.)”
- “Abortion should be “safe and rare.”
“The vax is safe and effective.” (so you must be forced to take it. It’s not your body. It’s not your choice.)
#MeToo! (but not anymore)
“Title 9!” (but not anymore)]
“It’s for the children!” (This one’s true: child trafficking, pornography, masking, vaxing, & not letting them go to school.)
“Littering is a crime! Keep America Beautiful!” (but trash cities and poop on the street.)
“Mom and Pop stores are better than big box stores owned by those evil corporations!” (-unless they’re doing the bidding of the government, then they’re great.)
“Free speech is our absolute.” (until we decide that words and dissent is dangerous–especially yours.)
“Believe us about Jan 6” (even though the Trump/Russia collusion was a despicable lie, and we actually did what we accused Trump of doing.)
“We care about the poor.”” (That’s why we like to keep them impoverished and dependent on us.)
“We hate bigotry and prejudice! Stamp out hate!” (unless you’re our political enemy in which case we will smear you, frame you, do everything we can to destroy you.)
“15 days to flatten the curve.”