Karen discusses the embarrassing hubris of Anthony Fauci, telling the world that if you “disagree with him, you disagree with science” and her latest piece, Pivots, Privilege, & Propaganda.
Then, Karen welcomes her special guest, David Risselada, author of Without a Shot Indeed: Inducing Compliance to Tyranny Through Conditioning and Persuasion
*NOTE: See David’s recommended bibliography we requested of him during this show! (below)
David Risselada earned master degree in professional writing from Liberty University in October of 2020. He also has a bachelor degree in Social Work from Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow Oklahoma.
David has a unique insight into leftist thinking and the sociopolitical issues facing the nation because he was exposed to the social justice agenda while pursuing his education in Social Work. After being told he wasn’t fit for the field because of opposition to concepts like white privilege, he took to writing and researching to not only share his experience, but expose it as well.
Breggin, Peter R. (2000). What psychologists and therapists need to know about ADHD and stimulants. CHANGES-SHEFFIELD, 18(1), 13–23.
Herman, S. & Chomsky, N. The manufacturing of consent: The political economy of the mass media. (1988) Pantheon books, New York.
Maich, G, H, K. (2013) Reducing Cognitive Dissonance Through Effort Justification: Evidence from Past Studies and Daily Experience. WUPJ (1)
Martin, Y, P., Hamilton, E, V., Mckimmie, M, B., Terry, J, D. & Martin, R. (2006) Effects of caffeine on persuasion and attitude change: The role of secondary tasks in manipulating systematic message processing. European journal of social psychology, 37(2) pp. 320-338
Meerloo, J, A, M. Rape of the Mind. (1961) Martino Fine Books. Rape of The Mind: Joost Meerloo: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive
Perloff, R. Dynamics of Persuasion: Communications and Attitudes in the 21st century. (2017) Routledge. New York
Perring, C. (1997) Medicating children: The case for Ritalin. Bioethics, 11(3&4) pp. 228-240
Raamkumar, A., Tan, G, S. & Wee, L, H. (2020) Use of the Health Belief Model-based deep learning classifiers for Covid-19 social media content to examine public perceptions of physical distancing: Model development and case study. JMIR Public health and surveillance. 6(3)
Rhodewalt, F. & Comer, R. (1979) Induced compliance attitude change. Journal of experimental social psychology 15(1) pp. 35-47
Shrum, L.J. Media consumption and perceptions of social reality: effects and underlying processes. From Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research (2002) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey. Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research, Second Edition (ethernet.edu.et)Â
Skinner, B. F. Beyond Freedom and Dignity. (1971) Pelican Books, Middlesex England. BF-Skinner-Beyond-Freedom-&-Dignity-1971.pdf (selfdefinition.org)
Sim, S, W., Moey Peter, S. K. & Tan, N, C. (2014) The use of facemasks to prevent respiratory infection: A literature review in the context of the health belief model. Singapore medical journal. 55(3) pp. 160-167
Sunstein, R., C. & Thaler, H., R. Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness. (2008) Caravan Books, Yale University Press. Richard_H._Thaler_Cass_R._Sunstein_Nudge_Improv. (14).pdf
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