Historic January, 2021
It’s difficult to recognize extraordinary when you’re living in it.
Anyone who is the least bit curious about which way this country will go is eagerly, anxiously, or fearfully looking forward to Wednesday, January 6, 2021 and whatever will follow.
People who often agreed are split from one another. New alliances are being formed. We are in a major shift. The fact that some people don’t or can’t see it is part of the fundamental disagreement.
I’ve made no secret of what I think will ultimately happen. I have bets that Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President for the next four years. It’s amazing how many people I know have given up hope of that happening.
Others have called for Trump to concede. That has been particularly perplexing, but among the things Donald Trump’s presence has ushered in, is his ability to expose who people really are and always were.
He will continue to do that as he and his team attempt to make their case for voter fraud. he Left and its’ minions will continue to do everything they can to tamp down their opponents’ ability to be heard so that citizens themselves can make up their own minds.
It would seem that a side that doesn’t want its opponents’ case to be heard is in the weakest position, but somehow, what is obvious is obfuscated today, and what is preposterous is accepted as truth.
I have continued to ponder why any conservative would call for Trump to concede at precisely the most important moment in his stunning tenure thus far. This will be the decisive moment and they’re bailing?
Is it because these politicians and pundits don’t see or agree with the “do or die” situation we are in? I wonder if those with the most political experience have the hardest time recognizing a completely unique situation because that experience clouds their judgement rather than informs it.
This alone doesn’t make me correct, but it does seem to be a major dividing line among people of good will.
I believe this is the “do or die” moment. Communists will either strike the final blow to America, or Donald Trump against all odds, will save our country and by extension, the free world from tyranny.
Many might think that sounds “overly dramatic” but there are genuinely dramatic times in life and in the life of a country. This is one of them. We have been lulled into believing that times of great historic significance only happened 200+ years ago. Not so.
We have crossed the Rubicon into tyranny already. We have Leftist/progressive Mayors, Governors and un-elected bureaucrats shutting down businesses and/or telling them how to run them which will lead to their slow death. It’s tough for people to admit that this is exactly what they want but what other conclusion can one come to?
Said Leftists are systematically robbing The People of all five pillars of the First Amendment, and will do so with and all the rest. Almost every institution or sphere of influence in our country has been infiltrated by those unfaithful to the Constitution. Other well-funded groups who hate this country continue to be eager to assist them.
Officials at the highest levels in every branch of our government have been bribed, blackmailed or otherwise compromised. If this isn’t a crisis, what would one look like?
Trump is NOT fighting for his re-election, which he most likely won in a landslide, out of ego. He knows all the above and more.
I believe that this moment is the real reason he ran in the first place He loves this country. He wants to leave it intact and secure for his grandchildren and yours. If he can accomplish what he came to Washington to do and go up against this massive amount of evil and corruption and win he will go down as among the greatest Presidents who ever lived.
This will be a history week and a historic month. Happy New Year, and let true justice be done in 2021.