Karen guest-hosts 7.13.20 on the Chuck and Julie Show www.ChuckandJu…
I’m pleased to guest-host TODAY on the Chuck and Julie Show www.ChuckandJulie.com This is LIVE AUDIO & VIDEO! 3-4PM Mountain Time.
ON THE TABLE: Defiance vs. Compliance. Defiance works. Compliance leads to Communism. It’s that simple. But HOW? What do we do? Tune in and be part of the panel discussion.
LIVE via Zoom [Meeting No: 209-576-423] Toll Free: 888-627-6008 Direct: 323-744-4831
Guests: Patricia Anthone Peg Cage, many more, & YOU!
The Chuck and Julie Show | Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
The Chuck and Julie Show Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden Bringing you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth Listen Live Monday Wednesday Friday 3-4pm MST Click Here to Listen Live #TRUTHSTRAIGHTUP Chuck and Julie Don’t miss another podcast Facebook-f Twitter Youtube Discuss with us,….